Originally from India, ginger is used in traditional medicine, as well as in cooking. Since Antiquity, it has been credited with aphrodisiac virtues. Madagascar ginger is extracted from ancient strains which have shown exceptional properties in comparison with classic ginger.
Appearance: mobile liquid
Color: pale yellow to brown
Odor: spicy, fresh, aromatic, slightly lemony
Distilled parts: Rizhomes
Country of origin: Madagascar
Density: 0.87 to 0.896
General stimulant, sexual tonic, aphrodisiac
Aperitif, stomachic, carminative, digestive tonic, light laxative
Healing digestive mucous membranes
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory
Antispasmodic, cough suppressant, anticatarrhal, expectorant
Sexual fatigue, andropause
Slow digestion, gas, constipation
Overloaded liver
Rheumatism, muscle contracture
Chronic bronchitis, catarrh
Motion sickness, nausea
*Oral use (1 drop in a teaspoon of HV or honey): digestive disorders
In massage (soles of the feet), diluted in an HV at 20% EO: fatigue, lack of rooting
Associated with vetiver, the essential oil of ginger will act effectively on the lack of confidence in (before an exam for example).
In a massage oil, combine ginger with cypress, or patchouli to activate venous and lymphatic circulation.
Associated with the first and second chakra.
Flammable. Oral use on medical advice. Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. Not recommended for children under 3 and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not apply to the skin before sun exposure. Food use possible. Do not use pure on the skin.
The information given on essential oils through this website is provided for informational purposes. They can in no way replace the advice given by a doctor. For any therapeutic use or if you want more information about essential oils, please consult a doctor.
Organic Blue Ginger Essential oil here.